Brilliant’s Cloud Enabling Services

cloud enabling copyBrilliant offers cloud enabling services in which we offer services like creating, deploying and operating some or most of an organization’s IT infrastructure, software and resources through the cloud. Cloud enablement shifts in-house IT to a public, private or hybrid cloud environment. Cloud enablement service is delivered by cloud enablers or cloud service providers. It has an efficient team to establish your business needs, assess the underlying technology components (such as infrastructure, applications, processes, policies etc) and then choose /deploy the appropriate cloud computing components to deliver reduced costs, enhanced agility, quick service delivery and improved scalability.

Cloud computing came into existence through advancement in the field of software, hardware and networking. The evolution of cloud computing is made possible through technologies such as visualization, automated computing, and service-oriented architecture (SOA). These technologies are commonly known as cloud-enabling technologies. Cloud computing provides an opportunity for enterprises to use these technologies by eliminating the need for deeper understanding and expertise in using them. Visualization refers to creating the virtual version of physical infrastructure. It reduces IT cost and improves business agility. IT operations are automated in recent times, where the resource provisioning process is made on-demand. SOA concept in the cloud breaks business problems into services, which can be integrated and offered as cloud-based solutions. The advancement in these technologies is increasing the adoption of cloud-based services worldwide.

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing resources like CPU, application software and storage, over the Internet. It has its roots in the early mainframe systems where a dumb (thin) client accesses its computing need on a server somewhere in the world. The client need not know the actual physical location of the server. The technology derives its name from the convention used in the network diagrams to represent the Internet and its various parts as a schematic cloud. Cloud computing is a distributed computing model which has evolved from the confluence of many existing technologies like visualization parallel and grid computing. The key providers of cloud services like Amazon, Sales force, Google and Microsoft have developed state of the art technologies to leverage this new computing paradigm. Huge visualized data canters are being established across the world to provide fast and efficient services, virtually infinite computing and storage capacity, increasing reliability and availability of services and minimizing the cost of services to the clients.

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